Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Weary Man's Thoughts

These last three days have been a blur of activities, half of which I can barely remember.

No, not like that.

These were sober activities; the best kind of activities.
I'm talking about spitball fights, stalking people, the Lion King, pool, and hilarious videos.

Add flour and you've got one heck of an awesome and delicious weekend cake.

Alas, all good things must end, as school starts again tomorrow.
However, I can take solace in the fact that the week is shortened to three days, two of which are B days, in which Chemistry is my one and only academic class.

Enough about that.
Dwelling on the past leads not to the future.

Now I'm utterly exhausted, and for the first time since middle school, I may in fact hit the sack before 10.


You may want to document that one.
Just kidding.

Please forgive my incessant rambling, the few of you that may be reading this. As my energy level diminishes, so does my rationale for knowing when to shut up. Thus, unfortunately for you, my sentences may grow a bit too lengthy and expressive; but the use of the semicolon will fix that. (Never will I ramble with incorrect grammar. It's practically a sin.)

So anyway, back to my main topic.
I can only hope the days to come will be as completely and totally sweet as the last few have been. I know they will be as busy as the last few days; especially tomorrow.
School, Spectrum, and Sectionals.
Why they all coincidentally start with an S, I don't know.
So does sleepy, which I will undoubtedly be by the end of the day. (More like exhausted, but I had to keep up the S theme.)

Without further ado, I bid the world, and by the world I mean the very few, if any, readers goodnight.

"Any voice not hers is undeserved to hear, every sight not her meaningless to see."

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